
How to find a good realtor without interviewing a dozen of them

The benefits of a good realtor cannot be overstated; during the exciting, but sometimes confusing and frustrating process of searching for a home, a good realtor will be there for you through thick and thin. The right realtor will keep their eyes peeled for exactly what you want and know when it lands on the market. He will know the pros and cons of every property he shows you and when the perfect mix arises. However, a great realtor doesn’t just fall into every home searcher’s lap. Instead, finding your perfect realtor may seem like a search just as hard as the one you’re asking them with which to help. Still, good realtor doesn’t need to be impossible to find. Here’s how to find the best one for you without interviewing dozens of them.



Get Recommendations.


Why not ask those around you who they recommend? After all, the recommender knows you. They also potentially know what you’re looking for and, hopefully, a realtor they can confidently recommend. This simple step may eliminate a whole lot of wasted time. It can also put you at ease about your choice. If you know this realtor worked for you neighbor or close colleague, you can trust they’ll work for you, too.



Go by Your Type.


Not all realtors specialize in the same types of real estate. Some may be specifically inclined for commercial real estate, while others focus on residential properties. Similarly, a realtor may work mostly with buyers, while another does best with those looking to sell. Whatever type of real estate you’re in, be sure to choose a realtor who specializes in that area. Both you and your realtor will feel more comfortable with the decision.


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Get Face-to-Face.


Once you’ve narrowed down a few realtors, it’s important you gain one-on-one face-time with each. This doesn’t mean interviewing each and every name, which crosses your path. Instead, narrow down to a small list of 3-5 solid realtor recommendations, which fit your type. From there, meet and interview each. Don’t be afraid to inquire; ask them about their experience, agency, accolades, their approach to your wants and needs, etc. the more questions, the better. Information is your defense against the wrong choice.